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  • We take the protection of privacy very seriously. Your member registration and other specific information will be protected and regulated in accordance with the Service's Privacy Policy. You understand and agree that when you use the Service, the Service may collect and utilize your personal information, such as LINE@official account, Net  Zero-Carbon Smart Rental System, etc., in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.

  • These TOS constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your use of the Service and supersede any prior agreements between you and us with respect to the Service. The interpretation and application of the TOS, as well as disputes relating to the TOS, shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China, unless otherwise provided by law, and the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the competent court.
    The failure of the Company to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these TOS shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. If any provision of these TOS is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' good faith intentions as expressed in the foregoing provision, and the other provisions of these TOS shall remain in full force and effect.

  • In order to be able to use the Service, you agree and commit to the following:

    1. Provide accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service's registration process, and maintain and update that information to ensure that it is accurate, current and complete.

    2. If you provide any incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate information, the Company has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you access to all or any part of the Service.

    Upon completion of the registration process for the Service, you will be notified of your registration. You agree and commit to the following:

    1. This account is not transferable.

    2. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this account and password.

    3. You will notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.

  • In addition to complying with the TOS, you agree to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China, the other TOS of the Service, and agree not to engage in the following behaviors:

    You agree to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the country or region in which you use the Service if you are a user outside of the Republic of China, you agree and warrant that you will not use the Service to engage in any behavior that is unlawful or detrimental to the rights and interests of others.

    1. Use of the Service under false pretenses.

    2. Infringe on the reputation, privacy, copyright, intellectual property and other rights of others.

    3. Upload, post or publish any untrue, defamatory, abusive, threatening, offensive, contrary to public order and morals, criminal or other unlawful words, pictures or files of any kind.

    4. Breach of the obligation of confidentiality under the law or contract.

    5. Upload, post or publish any code or information that contains computer Trojan horses, viruses, or any other code or information that interrupts, destroys or limits the functionality of computer software or hardware.

      Engaging in the sale of firearms, drugs, prohibited drugs, pirated software, other contraband, or other unlawful trade practices.

      Disrupt and interfere with any information, activities or functions  provided by the Service, or in any way intrude upon, attempt to intrude upon, disrupt, or commit any act of aggression or sabotage through the Service.

    6. Collecting email addresses and other personal information without consent.

    7. Disrupt and interfere with any information, activities or functions provided by the Service, or in any way intrude upon, attempt to intrude upon, disrupt, or commit any act of aggression or sabotage through the Service.

    8. Collecting email addresses and other personal information without consent.

    9. Any other conduct that the Company has reasonable grounds to believe is inappropriate.

    If you violate any of the foregoing, we reserve the right to terminate or restrict your use of your account (or any portion thereof) or use of the Service, and to remove or delete any related Member Content from the Service, at any time, with or without notice. You agree that we shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any termination or restriction of use of the Service.

  • The Service may provide links to websites of other companies/businesses (hereinafter referred to as 'third parties'). These Third Party sites are the sole responsibility of the respective companies/businesses and are beyond the control and responsibility of the Service. We do not guarantee the validity, accuracy, suitability or completeness of any search results or external links. You may be able to retrieve or link to websites that are inappropriate or unwanted, in which case the Service recommends that you do not visit such websites or leave them as soon as possible. You also agree that the Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from your linking to such websites which are not part of the Service.
    From time to time, the Service may cooperate with third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Content Providers") such as other companies/businesses, etc., who provide different contents including tours, information, events, etc., for the Service to publish, and the Service will indicate the source of the contents at the time of publication. In order to respect the intellectual property rights of the Content Providers, the Service does not review or modify the Content provided by the Content Providers. You are responsible for making your own judgment as to the accuracy of the Content, and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of the Content. If you believe that any   Content is inappropriate, infringing, or otherwise untrue, please direct your comments to the provider of that Content.

  • You agree that we reserve the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the continuation of the Service (or any part thereof) without notice. If notice is required by law or otherwise, the Service may notify you by means including, but not limited to, posting on the Service's web pages, e-mail, or other reasonable means now or in the future, including changes to the TOS. However, you will not receive such notices if you have violated the TOS by accessing the Service in an unauthorized manner, or if the information provided by you during registration is incorrect or not up to date. By accessing the Service in an authorized manner, you agree that any and all notices to you from the Service will be deemed served.

  • The program, software and website content used in this service, including but not limited to: information, data, pictures, files, website structure, web design, rental system and member content, etc., are owned by the Company or other right holders in accordance with the law, including but not limited to patents, copyrights and proprietary technology. No one may modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, publicly release, reverse engineer or reverse assemble the content. If you wish to quote or reproduce the above information, you must obtain the prior written consent of the Company or other right holders in accordance with the law, unless it is expressly permitted by law. In case of violation, you shall be liable for damages.

@Didifun So Fun’s Terms of Service

@Didifun So Fun_Net Zero-Carbon Smart System Service (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') provides various services on this platform in accordance with the terms of service. is providing the services on this platform in accordance with the Terms of Service. When you complete your registration or start using the Services, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of the TOS. If you do not agree with the TOS, or if you are located in a country or territory that excludes all or part of the TOS, you should immediately stop using the Service. In addition, your use of certain features of the Service may, depending on the nature of the particular feature, be subject to separate posted Terms of Service or related rules for the Service. Such separately posted terms of service or related regulations are also incorporated   into the TOS. We reserve the right to modify or change the TOS at any time by posting such modifications or changes on the TOS website, so please be aware of such modifications or changes at all times. If you continue to use the Service after any modification or change, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept such modification or change.


If you are a minor under the age of eighteen (18), you should ask your parent or guardian to read, understand and agree to all of the TOS and its subsequent modifications before using the Service. When you use the Service, it is presumed that your parents or guardians have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of the TOS and any subsequent modifications.
This platform service is a free booking rental service and travel information recommendation service, the actual rental service specifications are based on the store service rules, you agree and are willing to comply with the following terms:

( Updated: January 24, 2024 )

@didifun So Fun

© Copyright 2020-2024 @Didifun So Fun. 

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